Cylinder cycling test machine for portable fire extinguishers model CCT01

to pressure cycling test of fire extinguisher cylinders after welding in accordance

with ISO  7165 – Chapter 9.2.5


Excerpt of ISO 7165 – Chapter 9.2.5

Cylinder cycling test procedure

A minimum of two cylinders shall be tested.

An extinguisher cylinder shall sustain, without rupture, 5 000 cycles from 0 to the test pressure (pt) and back to 0 at the rate of 6 cycles/min. At the conclusion of testing, the cylinder shall be subjected to and comply with the burst test.


Technical Data:

Power supply:
230 V, 1 Ph, 50/60 Cy.
Air supply:
10 bar

With automatic cut of
after the pre set counting.


approx. 200 kg


approx. 800 x 1200 x 1000 mm



Pressure cycling test of extinguisher cylinder

to subjected 5500 cycles of pressure load alternation with a rate of 6 cycles /min
recorded by a digital counter

Ø     With automatic pressure increase and decrease from 0 to 35 bar.

Ø     The system works with water pressure with maximum pump pressure of 150 bar

Ø     The master gauge have range from 0 – 40 bar and a accuracy of 0,25% of the
 total range and a automatic cut of after reach of the pre
adjusted test pressure.

Ø     With tilting support for easy handle and thread connection for pressure cycling test
 of 1 Cylinder at time with a maximum size of diam. 200 mm / and a maximum
 length of 600 mm